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Akron Foundry aluminum castings contact information

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Akron Foundry Company
2728 Wingate Ave.
Akron, Oh 44314
330-745-7999 Fax

Akron Foundry Aluminum Alloy Types

Akron Foundry produces premium high quality castings in several aluminum alloys which allow for a balance between high durability and low cost.

We produce Aluminum castings, following The Aluminum Association guidlines, in the following alloys:

A132Permanent Mold, Low Pressure
319Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
333Permanent Mold, Low Pressure
C355Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
355Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
A356Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
356Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
A357Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
357Permanent Mold, Low Pressure, Sand
360Permanent Mold, Low Pressure
413Permanent Mold, Low Pressure
535 AlmagSand
712 TenzaloySand
713 TenzaloySand

Please contact AFC for other Aluminum Alloys